国标陶瓷防静电地板产品功能特点: A、有效防止静电;阻燃、防尘、防滑、防锈、抗污、耐化学腐蚀品 Effectively prevent static;fireproof,dustproof,anti-skid,rustproof antifouling and corrosion resisrant B、耐磨性强,不起泡,不脱胶,钢壳静电喷塑,不反光、耐磨 装饰性强 Imported glue is used to stick the amto-static ceramic tile to the raised floor ,high Resistance to wear,no foaming or degumming,the steel part is sprayed which is matt and has better decorative effect C、超强承重耐压,表面平整度页面 Strong bearing capacity with smooth surface D、四周支撑,安装方便,组装灵活,下部空间可用为空调通风,维修方便 Supported from four sides,convenient and flexible to install,under the raised floor space can be used for ventilation which is also easy to be fixed E、支架高度:80mm-300mm,其它高度可定做 The height of the support is 80-300mm,other height requirements can be made to order 【应用范围】 是专为计算机机房而设计的活动地板。高架地板广泛应用于电子计算机房、卫星地面站机房,电台控制室,发射台控制室,微波通信站机房,程控电话交换机房,洁净厂房,电子仪器厂装配车间,机密光学仪器制造车间,医院,学校等有防静电要求的场合。 欢迎致电:13011609490 微信号:13011609490